
fanSHEN are all about working in a positive atmosphere that stimulates creativity so it was always a welcoming environment where I felt relaxed about sharing my ideas. I gained a confidence in my own ideas and was inspired by the collaborative journey to the end product.
— Nyisha Bill-Eteson, theatre-maker, supported us with the devising and design process of The Apple Cart

From time to time someone joins us on placement. These are usually people who are at the outset of their 'career' in theatre and are interested in creating their own work. 

Each placement is different depending on the demands of the project and the interests of the intern. If you would be interested in a placement with us, please get in touch.

A number of the fantastic people who have worked with us on placements have  become regular collaborators.

I always felt respected and treated as an equal, and always felt like the company were genuinely interested in supporting me and what I wanted to achieve without judgement.
— Ed Richards, a devising-based theatre maker and performer who joined us for the process of devising Invisible Treasure
In this picture we see Ed getting dragged around the room by his foot.

In this picture we see Ed getting dragged around the room by his foot.

There was a lovely holistic feeling of all being in it together and sharing the whole process of making the show… After finishing the project Dan and Rachel maintained that relationship of helping me quite closely, tailoring their advice to me.
— Emma Stirling, director and theatre maker; her placement involved working as Assistant Director on Cheese [a play]